Monday, September 27, 2010

Our Brain

We are having a wonderful time studying our brain. Did you know we have billions of brain cells? Keeping our brain healthy is essential to our lives. What can we do to ensure healthy brains? Let me hear from you!


Anonymous said...

You could have someone compete against you in a challenge that will test your memory. Montez

Anonymous said...

Here are some things to do to make your brain healthier,exercising such as taking in knowledge or reading. Also you have to use your brain such as using your knowledge.


Anonymous said...

We can have a heathly brain by excercising physically and mentally. Some ways we can do that is by doing jumping jacks[physically] or doing challeging brain games [mentally].

Anonymous said...

The brain is an important part of the body. It helps you think, move your body, and everything else. You can exercise your brain with word puzzles and mind games. It is your job to keep your brain in tip top condition.

Anonymous said...

The brain has billions of cells. You have to do things to keep your brain healthy. Like eating right and using your brain and lots of other things. I love the brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

One thing you can do to keep your brain healthy is to eat blueberries and almonds. Oscar

Anonymous said...

Your brain is important. You have to keep it healthy by taking some of the stress off of your mind. You can also eat healthy to keep your brain healthy. For example, eat some almonds and blueberries. There are also other types of ways to keep your brain healthy, like excercising your body! Trinity

Anonymous said...

What keeps your brain healthy ....... Take 20-30 minutes time off everyday to empty your mind. Take a walk in the park for exercise. Vary your exercises and mix it up. You could make it a habit to read a book daily. Read this blog, for instance "wink wink". I love learning about my brain.

Anonymous said...

we can do a lot of stuff to keep your brain healthy, but here's one: if you have to get up erly for school, try to go to sleep at 8:00. BRIANNA