Welcome to 2011!! Have you thought about last year? Did you accomplish all you thought you would? Did you make any improvements in your life? Do you see the need for improvements? What do you think about last year and what do you expect from this new year?
I think I should improve in aiming my shot with the basketball I'm pretty good but I have room to improve. I think I will achieve my goal. Jamal
The year I would like to get better in baseball.I want to get better at pitching.Then I want to hit fastballs and curveballs.
What I should have fixed for this coming year is how I wake up.I wake up right on time,but I need help waking up.Sometimes I sit in bed just for minute.I always pray that I'll wake up without help.If I get up for once without help,I would be very happy.
In 2010,when I was in 4th grade, I never thought that I was going to pass -- let me stop telling this lie! When I got in 5th grade, I thought that one of my teachers was going to be mean, but then I got used to him and now I know that he is a very funny and nice man. For my improvement this year, I would like to make all A's like my sister. For 6th grade, I would like to do the same and make good grades. Keundra
What I want to change about this year is to improve one of my grades which was a "B". I want to change it to an "A" so I can stay making all "As". I want to stay making all "As" because I like making good grades and I think "A's" are the best. In 6th grade, I expect the best.
I would like to change my grade in social studies from the low "B" I have to an "A". I expect to score high on my post test this year. This year I expect to be the best year.
my new year resolution in 2011 is to improve on my spanish speaking and saying.
I expect to improve on my grades. I may have As and Bs. I think with great grades you can go to a great college. I want to improve in listening and paying attention to my gifted teacher.
I would like to be able to shoot better.Last year was lame; this year I hope it will be more exciting.
I think I need to improve my grades and behavior.I also think that I can make an "A" the next semester.
Last year I did nothing. But this year I'm going to do something alright!!! If I want to sew clothes, then I will sew clothes! No one can stop me. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!
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